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Cycle Count Program Excel Software

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by anlinmenspsych1977 2020. 2. 27. 14:03


Hello, I'm trying to count the number of times a name appears across multiple worksheets but I can't seem to figure it out.I have 6 sheets to count and all the names are in column A (from A1:A100) on each sheet. The names are not in a particular order.On sheet 7 I want to have a cell beside each persons name that counts the number of times their name appeared on the other 6 sheets.For example Sheet 7 (called total) would haveJoe 5 (where 5 is the outcome of the formula I'm looking for to count all the times 'Joe' appears on sheets 1-6).I have it counting per sheet with =COUNTIF(A1:A130,'name') but this is not quite what I am looking for.Thanks in advance for any advice.Edit: I am using Excel 2007 w/ windows XP. Sorry for the question. Normally I find answers to my excel questions by going through the help tab or by searching on Google. However, I don't even know what question to ask on this one!?!Basically I have created a spreadsheet with several columns, but I have one column that lists the shirt size (YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, XL, 2X, 3X) of each person.

Is there a formula that I can create that will tabulate the number of sizes (i.e. AS=2, AM=7, etc.)?In previous years I made a column for each size, and simply placed a '1' in the correct column, and had excel just add the 1's from each column. However, that takes more time and space. I was hoping to streamline it this time around.Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, doug. Hi Everybody,First post on the forum, have only recently joined and im hoping that someone can help me before my head explodes!I am trying to prepare a simple Material Quantity List for some Steel materials.The materials are all in specific sizes.What i want to do is, as i input the length, width and height of the structure in the spreadsheet, the Material Quantity List will generate the quantity of each piece of material i will need.Does anybody know of a formula for this.

I have been trying to use the IF function and getting absolutely nowhere, all suggestions will be highly appreciated!! Dear Sir,If any one could give me a solution for this its will be a great help for me.I am working in a bank and on every day we receive Month to date data of Loans and advances made by every branch with Region wise total and manager wise total. With Sum of loan and count of loan. In our MIS format the in A coulum branches are sorted and listed in a sequence with sub total Region. I have data where if if do the pivot and change the data the out put should be displayed accordingly in the MIS format. Can any one help me how can we do this or is there any other office addins/softwares are available if so the data is changed on a daily basis and if we do the pivot it will automatically copy the data to the MIS format.Thanks.

Hello Everybody,I am hoping for some assistance. Here is what I have.I am trying to get counts of certain values.This is in the same workbook but different sheets.On sheet 1 is where my formula lies. In a cell, I want it to look at sheet 2 column B and look for instances of 'A', then I want it to look in the same row it found 'A' and look at the value in column 'N' and evaluate if there is an amount. If there isn't skip it and don't count it, if there is a value count it if it falls within a given range.An example of the formula is below.what am I missing?=COUNTIF(Sheet2!B:B,(VLOOKUP(A,Sheet2!B:N,13,FALSE)=0:500))=COUNTIF(Sheet2!B:B,(VLOOKUP(A,Sheet2!B:N,13,FALSE)=501:1000))Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I have a problem sometimes. I will click on a cell to add information.The cell turns blue and then wherever I move, it highlights those to.No matter where I go on the page. If I Alt-Tab and work in anotherprogram on my computer, that excel page keeps highlighting whereverI move even in those other programs (I know this sounds confusing).When I return to excel thousands and thousands of cells are blue.The biggest problem is that the highlighting won't turn off, no matterwhat.

Cycle Count Schedule Excel

I can't select anything from the tool bars, do any work on the sheet or close the program.I can close it only with the task manager but when I open it again,the cursor is still stuck in the highlighting mode and won't perform anyother functions.Do you think this is a problem with my computer, the excel program? I have changed my mouse and this didn't help.Is there some shortcut to turn off this highlight feature other than restartingmy computer. Which is the only current way I can get rid of it.Thanks for any advice. I am looking for assistance in having one cell in a text format equals another cell that contains a time value in hh:mm format.For example: Cell A1 has a time format (hh:mm) value of 04:00; which is the Start Time. I would like cell D1 to have a text format value of '04:00' (result is dependant upon what is entered in A1). I would duplicate the same formulas to reflect Stop Times in other cells.My final result is to have another cell (F1) use the Concatenate formula to have the Start and Stop time shown in one cell as '04:00 - 12:30'.

The times would change based on the Time formated values entered into the Start and Stop time cells.I have researched this in the board and found many excellent ways to do the opposite, but not convert Time format to Text format. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.-Shane.

Hi,I need the necessity do delete a sequence of sheets in my workbook.If I use this code:With ActiveWorkbookIf.Worksheets.Count = 5 ThenFor n = 5 To.Worksheets.CountWorksheets(n).DeleteNext nEnd IfEnd WithI receive a confirmation message box with this message:'Data may exist in the sheet(s) selected for deletion. To permanently delete the data, press Delete' DELETE CANCELI wish to delete all sheets without receiving any message.Is it possible?Many thanks in advance for your kind support.Regards,Giovanni.

Cycle Count Program Excel Software 2017

I am trying to do a very simple copy and paste of a simple formula in Excel 2007 and nothing seems to be working. Excel will not let me copy and paste a formula and will only paste the value into to workbook. For instance, if I make a very simple spreadsheet such as:A1 type in 10, A2 type in =A1 (calculated A2 to be 10)B1 type in 5And then click the copy on B1, and then click paste special on cell B2, the only options it gives me are text and unicode text and so no matter how I paste, cell b2 will always be populated with a value of 5. I cannot imagine a simpler copy and paste and no matter what I do I can't make this work.All cells are formatted as general. It seems that all copy and pasting of formulas in my excel has been disabled. If I open any spreadsheet on my computer, I can't copy and paste formulas, but do the exact same thing on the exact same spreadsheet on any other computer and it works no problem.Any help? I have AplphaNumeric part numbers that sometimes contain hyphens or decimals.

In order to make them more searchable (since people don't always use the hyphens or decimals properly when they search) I would like to create all the possible variants of the part number, but with one formula.So AHW18.787 becomes AHW18 787 and AHW18787 with=SUBSTITUTE(A1,'.' ,' ') and=SUBSTITUTE(A1,'.' ,') respectively, andAHRTW-A18-7007 becomes AHRTW A18 7007 and AHRTWA187007 with=SUBSTITUTE(A1,'-',' ') and=SUBSTITUTE(A1,'-',').What I need to be able to do is merge these formulas into one, so that no matter what format the part number is in A1, I get a version of it with spaces in B1, and a version of it with no spaces in C1. I just have not been able to nest it all together - is it even possible with this command?Thx.